A world where you can conquer all your fears with simplicity and at the same time decide in one second where in the world you are. In a second you were still in Indonesia on the beach enjoying cocktails and suddenly you find yourself in a gondola in Venice. You experience incredible adventures and can do anything you want. If you can control your dreams, all this is possible!
A world where you can overcome all your fears with simplicity and at the same time decide in one second where you are in the world. In a second you were still in Indonesia on the beach enjoying cocktails and suddenly you find yourself in a gondola in Venice. You experience incredible adventures and can do anything you want. If you can control your dreams, all this is possible!
When you learn to clear your dreams, it is indeed possible to consciously control your dreams.
In this article we will teach you what lucid dreaming is, what advantages it has for you and how you can learn it quickly.
Dreaming Clear: What is it?
Dreams can occur in different forms. They can be positive, negative and sometimes even erotic. When we dream, we experience a psychic activity while we sleep. We process new and old information. Our brain has to deal with the emotions, feelings and thoughts we have experienced during the course of the day. However, it also does this for those from the past.
But as you know, in these dreams the craziest things happen to you. You have no control over the events and the exits. With a clear dream, however, you can change that. You experience a state of being awake and can control the events in your dreams.
Simply put, a Waking Dream is a dream where you have control over your dream.
While you have a lucid dream, you primarily do not know if you are in a dream. It feels real, as if you are actually awake. But you can easily check that out. If you can ask yourself in the dream: “If you have an answer to this question, then you can be sure that you are in a waking dream.
But you have to distinguish between active and passive clear dreams. Both can be fun and adventurous. The difference is relatively simple. In both stages you are in an almost “awake” state. In passive clear dreaming, however, you don’t interfere with what happens in the dream. You only experience it more clearly than usual.

Advantages of lucid dreams
1) Access to the subconscious mind
Did you know that more than 90% of thoughts are in the subconscious? Strictly speaking, you can only access one tenth of your brain. So, very few things. If you want to read more about the subconscious, we recommend our article on brain waves.
Why is it an advantage to have access to your subconscious? One of the biggest is that you can open up to your slumbering feelings. So you can actively think about your nature, analyze connections and fears and understand yourself better.
If you wonder why you sometimes have nightmares: Your brain and subconscious try to confront you with your fears. Not to hurt you, but rather as a self-healing mechanism. Your mind needs your help to deal with the relevant information. However, if you are not active and have a clear mind while dreaming, this process is delayed and not very effective.
2) Get rid of nightmares
Nobody likes nightmares. We are defenceless and have to endure negative things. We lose the person we love, are persecuted by someone or suffer material damage.
As we have already learned above, they are the result of a defensive reaction of our mind to bad memories and emotions. The genius of lucid dreaming is that you can get rid of your nightmares.
Once you recognize a series of negative events in your dreams, you can simply remind yourself that everything is just a dream. It will be easier for you to deal with the events in the dream and you will no longer wake up sweating with tachycardia. Or even better: you intervene actively. You are the decision maker in your lucid dream and can draw a positive line from every nightmare.
3) Practice for reality
Gently approach clear dreaming, because different rules apply in your dreams than in reality. First and foremost, you should learn to dream with full consciousness. After you have mastered this, you can start to actively intervene in your dreams.
But you can’t just use this unique environment to have fun. Use it to prepare yourself for situations in reality. Are you afraid of a big test? Do you want to appear more self-confident on the outside or confess your love to a person and are afraid of what he/she will say?
Try to use your dreams specifically for this situation from reality. Play through the scenarios in your head and think about what your answer would be. You hold a company presentation in front of your boss and are afraid of what questions might come.
In your dream you can not only practice for this presentation and already think about questions to these answers, you can let the dream end positively and go into the presentation full of self-confidence.